Richard Kline,
UL&STD President
Millions of Americans face devastation. Financial relief programs expire, legislation designed to help the unemployed sits on Sen. McConnell’s desk, food assistance for children is set to go unfunded, schools may be forced to reopen without adequate protections for teachers or students and millions of Americans who are without health insurance may be joined by millions more if Republicans kill the Affordable Care Act.
Unfortunately, the list of calamities goes on. In the midst of a spiraling epidemic, Donald Trump politicizes every aspect of the crisis while essentially ignoring science and common sense. His actions are tearing the social fabric of our nation and undermining our institutions as economic inequality and racial injustice become ever more plain.
The Labor Movement and its allies seek to expand unemployment benefits, to create a safe workplace standard that hold employers accountable, to make schools safe and to provide health insurance to the uninsured.
One major effort is to pass the Heroes Act, which addresses many of the pressing concerns faced by laid-off and working Americans. Too many of us face economic disaster as we also confront a health crisis that has sickened millions and killed tens of thousands in United States. Passage of the Heroes Act is a necessity. ■