In an April 9 press release, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) reported significant increases in union election petitions and unfair labor practice (ULP) charges for the first half of Fiscal Year (FY) 24 (October –March 31).
According to the release, 1,618 union election petitions were filed over the six-month period compared with 1,199 in the first half of FY23. The Agency notes that employer-filed representation petitions have skyrocketed—accounting for 281 of filed petitions—due to the Board’s new framework for when an employer needs to file an RM petition after receiving a demand for union recognition.
At the same time, ULP charges filed across the NLRB’s field offices have increased seven percent—from 9,612 to 10,278.
The uptick in case-load occurs as the Agency struggles with funding and staffing shortages. In February, Congress renewed the Agency’s funding at the same level as FY23, the first year the NLRB had seen an increase in funding since 2014. That increase was essential in averting furloughs last year. However, the Agency is still woefully underfunded at a time when petitions and filings have increased year-over-year.