Union Label and Service Trades Department Executive Council



General Secretary Treasurer UA


Pat Kellett, former business manager of Plumbers & Pipefitters Local 562 and most recently the administrative assistant to the union’s General President, has been elected General Secretary-Treasurer of the United Association of Plumbers & Pipefitters (UA). Mike O’Mara, veteran Local 562 business representative, was re-elected to his third term as International Representative.

In a most memorable, and undoubtedly one of the unique moments in the union’s history, a father seconded the nomination of his son for the union’s second highest position.

Dick Kellett, Pat’s father and 65-year retired veteran Local 562 member and active trade unionist his entire career, stood before the 3,300 delegates at the UA’s recent 39th national convention held in San Diego, Calif., and proudly said:

“I don’t think there is a brother or sister member in this convention who would not want to live long enough to be able to nominate their son or daughter to the position of General Secretary-Treasurer of the United Association… it is with great pride and humility that I now second the nomination of Patrick H. Kellett…”

In outlining Pat’s rise in Local 562 from apprentice to business manager, the elder Kellett added: “We never had a family meal with my three sons, who are all UA members, where we didn’t talk about our union and what it has done for working families.”
