Union Made Products and Services
Newspaper/newsletter Printing GCIU 294C
Port Publications, inc. is a commercial web printing company that specializes in printing and mailing union newspapers for a number of labor presses in the USA, particularly in the Midwestern States. Our specialty is printing 4-color, 2-color, and B&W newspapers and magazines in any quantity above 1000 copies. Excellent references. All printing can carry the Allied Printing Trades Union Label.
Powell’s Books ILWU 5
This union bookstore (and the largest bookstore in the entire U.S.) features new, used and rare books for adults and children; out of print, e-books, technical books and school books. When you buy on-line, Powell’s union workers receive a share of the sales revenues.
PPG Glass USW USW Local 193G
Flat Glass – Home and Auto