Label Letter

The Label Letter is the official newsletter of the Union Label & Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO. It is published bimonthly and includes the Do Buy and official AFL-CIO Boycott Lists. Subscriptions are available to members only. With the exception of copyrighted material, permission to reprint is hereby granted, but credit to the source is appreciated.

Do Buy: How to Fly Union

Do Buy: How to Fly Union

By Anna Del Savio—Reprinted with permission from the Northwest Labor Press

Over the past decade, America’s largest airlines have become steadily more unionized. When the Labor Press started tracking airline unionization in 2012, the top airlines ranged from 70% to 85% union; today they’re 80% to 87% union. Delta — the largest airline by passenger miles traveled — remains the one big exception, with just 20% of its employees represented by a union.

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