The Label Letter Turns 50
The current issue of the Label Letter marks the fiftieth year of its publication. Throughout its long history, the Label Letter has upheld the mission of the Union Label & Service Trades Department: to promote the products and services offered to the public by members of our affiliated unions.
Across the Labor Movement, Women are Leading and Workers are Winning
This issue of the Label Letter presents a brief history of women in the Labor Movement and salutes the many women who have achieved leadership roles in labor organizations at every level.
An Alarm Bell Calls for Action: VOTE
Despite his disavowals, Trump is up to his ears in the swamp that is Project 2025. Project 2025 is the arch-conservative Heritage Foundation’s game plan for a second Trump administration. The principle feature of this 920-page plan are a gutting of the federal...
Biden Restored Labor Protections Undercut by Trump
Deregulation and outright corporate favoritism marked the years of the Trump administration. President Biden has thrown his support to workers and the unions that represent millions of them. Under Trump, everything from a failed attempt to enable tip-skimming by...
End NotesDefend Your Rights—Register and VOTE
In 1916 Congress passed the first federal child labor law, the Keating-Owen Act, and a reluctant President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law. The law covered only a fraction of the children working at the time. It left unprotected nearly two million other kids. Two...
Democracy and Unions
Some people don’t value democracy. But it is vital to union members. Trade unions operate on democratic principles. Free speech is a necessity. The right to associate and to organize is essential. The right to stand up to economic power is irreducible. And in society...
The Tough Got Going
Renowned NFL coach Vince Lombardi, famously said, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Well, some tough unions and their tough members got going and confronted and won against their billionaire employers. The victory of the UAW in its fight for a share of...
Widespread support for unions has been growing. Polls across the political spectrum have shown that many Americans see the value of union membership. Union members know what they have won and non-union workers know that union membership is their key to a brighter...
End Notes: Union Busting 2023 Update
Union busting continues unabated in the face of governmental penalties that are too lenient. Companies that fight their employees and violate their right to organize use the old tactics of mandatory captive meetings, one-on-one management contacts with employees,...
Voluntarism has a Union Label
The Labor Movement, the acknowledged champion of the middle class, indeed according to many its creator, has always been devoted to the economic improvement of the lives of its members and the public at large. Public employees among them teachers, police,...