Rich’s Label Blog

Globalization and Its Woes

The downside of globalization has long been apparent: diminished industrial capacity, job losses and service industry disruptions are major examples. Foreign-made goods from autos to tee shirts and services from call centers to medical testing would be better sourced...

Labor Day

On Labor Day, Look for the Union Label. It's Everywhere. Labor Day is particularly significant this year for the Labor Movement. We saw the passing of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka and the election of his replacement, Liz Shuler, who is the first woman to serve at...

Malice Toward None

Richard Kline, UL&STD President These are very tough times. Is there any need to recite the difficulties facing America. A pandemic response that has been bungled by the Trump administration. Racial inequities that have been exacerbated by the Trump...