My name is Mark Hackbart. I work at The Taylor Companies and I am the Chief Union Steward, Steelworkers Local 48U, in Bedford Ohio. I have been working at Taylor for almost 33 years. Taylor opened in 1816 and is the oldest office furniture manufacturer in the United States. We manufacture high quality office desks and chairs for law firms, banks, corporations and union offices. I am an upholstery cutter. I cut the jobs out of whatever upholstery covers the customer selects. If it’s fabric, I match up all the parts for the chair or sofa. If it’s leather, I check the hide out for scars or defects and cut the parts out to get the best yield out of each hide. I then put the parts together and give them to the sewing operators so they can sew the pieces together for our upholsterers. I enjoy my job and my union.
Walk In My Shoes–Mark Hackbart