Trumka: ‘In Wisconsin, Michigan and
Pennsylvania, Joe Biden’s Firewall was Union-Made’

On Saturday, November 7, 2020, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made history when news outlets across the country reported that they had won the U.S. Presidential Election.
Harris was to become the first woman to hold the office of the Vice President. She also holds the distinction of being the first African American/Asian-American in that office. Vice President-Elect Harris shattered the glass ceiling, and she and President-Elect Biden did it with the help of labor unions.
In exit polls, Biden’s path to the White House ran through America’s labor movement. Initial reports from the AFL-CIO’s post-election survey showed union members went 58 percent for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
In a speech just before the election was called, AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka thanked union members and leaders for their hard work and said, “simply put, we got out the vote. In Wisconsin. In Michigan. In Pennsylvania. Joe Biden’s firewall was union made!”
Trumka went on to say, “while we don’t know the final composition of the Senate, we know our priorities. Our members made it clear. 95 percent say that protecting workers’ rights is the top priority for this next congress. And yes, that includes 93 percent of our members who went for Trump.”