The Label Letter is the official newsletter of the Union Label & Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO. It is published bimonthly and includes the Do Buy and official AFL-CIO Boycott Lists. Subscriptions are available to members only. With the exception of copyrighted material, permission to reprint is hereby granted, but credit to the source is appreciated.
Protected: Student Loan Forgiveness
What President Biden Has Done for Working Families
Labor Day 2021, President Biden said, “[O]n Labor Day, we honor the dignity of the American worker. And every day, we remember that America wasn’t built by Wall Street. They’re not all bad folks out on Wall Street. I’m not suggesting that. But they didn’t build...
Protected: What President Biden Has Done for Working Families
Protected: What President Biden Has Done for Working Families
End Notes: Our 71st ULSTD Convention
The 71st Convention of the Union Label Department was marked by inspiring accounts of successful union organizing and union militancy in the face of anti-worker, anti-union tactics used by major employers. Several resolutions important to the mission of promoting...