Buy Union
Look for these union-made-in-the-USA products and services while shopping. Buying union-made supports good jobs. America is at its best when we say and shop UNION YES!

Boycott List
The Department maintains and publishes the “Don’t Buy” list of companies being boycotted and the products and services involved. In addition, you can see information on boycott updates.

Label Letter
The Label Letter is the official newsletter of the Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO. The bi-monthly publication is mailed to some 25,000 labor leaders, activists and union members six times a year.
NLRB Issues Long-Awaited Joint Employer Rule
In October 2023, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) unveiled its long-awaited finalized...
IBEW Local 3 Lights Up Times Square for Millions to Ring inthe New Year
In the United States, one of the most iconic New Year’s traditions is the dropping of the giant...
Maximus Call Center Workers Hold Walkout to Demand a Better Wages, Union Recognition
Workers at Maximus Call Centers help Americans sign up for health care plans through federal...
I’m Not a Robot, I’m a Union Member
Many of us have had to prove we are humans not robots when using the Internet. We dutifully pick out the crosswalks or bicycles or streetlights, and we gain access to the website. ULSTD President Rich Kline But for some people, those who work for Amazon in its vast...

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