Buy Union Week
The 10 days following Thanksgiving are designated by the AFL-CIO as “Buy Union” week to encourage all union members to look for union-made goods and services when they buy for the Holiday Season.
When you buy union, you’re supporting good jobs in American communities, jobs that provide living wages and benefits, safe working conditions and dignity and respect for work. 

Holiday shopping traditionally kicks off on “Black Friday” — designated as such because it’s the timeframe when many retailers move from red ink to black on their balance sheets. Shoppers will find plenty of “bargains,” but union family shoppers will want to look beyond foreign-made electronics, trendy toys and gadgets to find enduring goods that are union made, or perhaps gift cards for union-productions, such as movies or sporting events, or union made food stuff — there are still many union-made candies, baked goods, spirits and specialty items.
Have a Union Made Thanksgiving
Available on our website for download, we encourage you to print and share the Union Made Thanksgiving list with your members.
• Look for the Union Label • 
815 16th Street, NW • Washington, DC 20006

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The Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO, was founded in 1909 to promote the products and services produced in America by union members -- especially those products and services identified by a union label, shop card, store card and service button. We are supported by per capita payments from AFL-CIO National and International Unions.