Buy Union

Look for these union-made-in-the-USA products and services while shopping. Buying union-made supports good jobs. America is at its best when we say and shop UNION YES!

Boycott List

The Department maintains and publishes the “Don’t Buy” list of companies being boycotted and the products and services involved. In addition, you can see information on boycott updates.

Label Letter

The Label Letter is the official newsletter of the Union Label and Service Trades Department, AFL-CIO. The bi-monthly publication is mailed to some 25,000 labor leaders, activists and union members six times a year.
Longshoremen Strike Ends After Just Three Days

Longshoremen Strike Ends After Just Three Days

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) officially ended its nationwide strike after securing a tentative agreement on wages with the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX). The strike began on October 1, 2024, and disrupted cargo movement across 36 ports from Maine to Texas. Over 45,000 dockworkers participated in the walkout, demanding higher wages and protections against automation in the shipping industry.

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The Rise of Women in Labor Union Leadership: Breaking Barriers and Paving the Way

The Rise of Women in Labor Union Leadership: Breaking Barriers and Paving the Way

Traditionally, labor unions have been male-dominated spaces, both in terms of membership and leadership. Yet, as workplace dynamics evolve and women increasingly enter various sectors, a significant shift has taken place: more women are stepping into leadership roles within unions. This transformation not only mirrors broader societal changes but also brings fresh perspectives to the table. Women leaders in labor unions are championing inclusive, progressive policies that uplift all workers, and create equity and justice in the workplace.

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End NotesDefend Your Rights—Register and VOTE

In 1916 Congress passed the first federal child labor law, the Keating-Owen Act, and a reluctant President Woodrow Wilson signed it into law. The law covered only a fraction of the children working at the time. It left unprotected nearly two million other kids. Two...

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